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Summer 2024

This summer, EAG will operate Studio B on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Both days will operate on a "summer pass" basis.


For Tuesdays, interested member painters pay a flat fee of $200.00 ($176.99 plus HST of $23.01) to cover all of the Tuesdays from June 18 until the end of September.


For Wednesdays, interested member printmakers pay a flat fee of $226.00 ($200.00 plus HST $26.00) to cover all the Wednesdays from May 29 to the end of September.


EAG can provide a wonderful, guaranteed space for painting and for printmaking throughout the June to end of September period for interested members and at the same time turn around the financial losses of past summers incurred when relying only on drop-in fees to cover the ever-increasing cost of studio rental.
This year, by establishing the reasonable cost per participant  for the timeframe we
can meet the rental costs incurred by EAG for Studio B and protect our Summer Studio space.


1. Fill in the registration form below and email to
2. Send an e-transfer to indicate ‘Summer Pass’ Tuesdays or ‘Summer Pass’ Wednesdays in the message box
or  mail your cheque directly to The Etobicoke Art Group at 56 Neilson Drive, Etobicoke, M9c 1V7 

or drop it off at the reception desk. 






In addition, John Leonard is pleased to offer a 5 day Advanced Painting  intensive workshop  from August 12th to 16th. 

This will be held in Studio B only as the Centre is very busy in the summer months so registrations will be limited.

Fee is  $350+ $45.50 hst =$395.50





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